Super Wallet is your electronic wallet. You don't need to remember all your passwords, numbers, urls. Just remember one password. Super Wallet will help you to save all your important information like credit card number, expiry date, cvc number, passwords, web site urls and other information like driving license number etc on your mobile. All the information will be stored in a encrypted form so it will be safe.
Super Wallet adalah dompet elektronik Anda. Anda tidak perlu mengingat semua kata sandi, angka, url Anda. Hanya ingat satu kata sandi. Super Wallet akan membantu Anda menyimpan semua informasi penting Anda seperti nomor kartu kredit, tanggal kedaluwarsa, nomor cvc, kata sandi, url situs web, dan informasi lain seperti nomor SIM, dll di ponsel Anda. Semua informasi akan disimpan dalam bentuk terenkripsi sehingga akan aman.
Super Wallet is your electronic wallet. You don't need to remember all your passwords, numbers, urls. Just remember one password. Super Wallet will help you to save all your important information like credit card number, expiry date, cvc number, passwords, web site urls and other information like driving license number etc on your mobile. All the information will be stored in a encrypted form so it will be safe.